I think this blog must be more faithful to its name and suggest things to try.
Last night, my roommate was fighting with her boyfriend. Of course, I gave her an earful of awful advice. Why is it so easy to know exactly what to do when you're no the one in the situation? Why does involvement cloud our judgement? We all know the type of guy to stay away from--that is until we ourselves fall in love with the bad guy. We all know to keep our noses out of other people's drama---but it's so much fun to watch disaster happen.
This is why I think we are the cause for 86% of all our problems. Most college kids have the rational skills to differentiate good from bad. It's just that we have self destructive tendencies. We love our tragedies. We love whining about miniscule problems. Relishing our drama, we feel as though we are entitled to attention. Relishing our drama, we feel as though we are part of the chaos in the universe.
So next time you find yourself in a predicament. Jump out of your skin. Act as though you aren't involved in this issue. And you will know exactly what to do.
Try it on.